
Dermatology Blog

This blog on dermatology is provided by Yellowstone Dermatology Associates. If you'd like us to cover certain topics, please let us know!

Syphilis, a Disfiguring Disease

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

After reeling from the Black Plague in the early 15th century, the medical community was faced with another epidemic. This one likely traveled with Christopher Columbus and his crew across the seas from the Americas to Europe.

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Dermatologic Marvels—Hypertrichosis

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

Carnivals and circuses have always attracted spectators to witness the spectacular, unusual, and intriguing. These events would expose people with genetic abnormalities, displaying a phenotype that could easily entice a crowd.

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The Purple Dye That Heals

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

Buckets of purple dye rain down on Canadian engineering students every year to honor themid-19th tomid-20th century Engineering Corps of the British Navy, who were distinguished by their purple armbands.

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The Bard’s Blunder—Debunking the Myth Around Rhinophyma

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

While the eyes are commonly referred to as windows to the soul, studies suggest that the nose could be the door. This most conspicuous facial feature has been shown to influence body image, self-perception, and even personality.

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Laser and light therapy for facial warts: a systematic review

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

Facial verruca plana, or flat warts, are benign skin papillomas caused by human papillomavirus infections. A large portion of cases are refractory to treatment and can cause psychosocial distress in patients. Laser and light modalities offer an alternative therapeutic approach that has not been extensively explored.

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Dermatology and Possession

Dr. Eric Maranda MD, FAAD

In the classic film The Exorcist, Father Damien Karras is asked, “How does a doctor end up as a priest?”

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